A Dollop of Sour Cream

I'm not much into spicy food. I have recently discovered that if a meal is just a tad too spicy for me, I can put sour cream on top and make it not just palatable, but wonderful. This blog is devoted to doing the same for life.



Toys I really played with: Dollhouse

Originally uploaded by my boaz's ruth

This time I am changing the theme a bit to spotlight the dollhouse I had as a kid. We (my sister and I both got one the same year) got them WAY back in 1978, when I was just 5 years old. It had a lot of my parents love and care in it as they put the dollhouses together from a kit. But there were nice touches that made the houses all our own. One was that one of the pictures on the wall (with picture frame and everything) had my picture in it. There were magnets on the doors to make the door swing back and forth. And my dad stained the wood to make it this rich brown color. My mother made the coverings for the furniture (unfortunately, not available to take pictures of at the moment).

The picture above was usually towards the wall (most of our play was done in place, but the dollhouses were occasionally carried, by a great babysitter, into the front room so we could play there). But it shows the nice front porch and one of the swinging doors.

Here is the side we normally played on (you can see a couple of pictures on the wall):

The side door, going into the kitchen

Notice the detail in the windows:

I am very much looking forward to having a daughter, a little "Ruth," at which point we'll pull the furniture out of storage and pass this house down for her to play with.

Post written for Bilingual Boys' Toys My Children Actually Play With series.