A Dollop of Sour Cream

I'm not much into spicy food. I have recently discovered that if a meal is just a tad too spicy for me, I can put sour cream on top and make it not just palatable, but wonderful. This blog is devoted to doing the same for life.



Diaper Bag contents?

No baby yet (I may have to start my posts this way for a while now until the baby comes) but I am going through baby shower gifts, (trying not to be bothered by my swelling right foot) and wondered:

what do you carry in your diaper bag?
Diapers, of course
A change of clothes.
What else?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ruth, keep it lean. A baby, a carrier, and a diaper bag get heavy--quick!

In addition to my wallet, I carry three diapers; a thin, hard case of wipes; one change of clothes; one change of t-shirt for me, in the early weeks of nursing; a bib or burp cloth if your child is a spitter.

In time I grew to leave my main diaper bag in the car and only carry a diaper and wipes in my purse. I could always run to the car to reload if necessary.

7:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

binkey, baby wipes, burp cloth, changing bad, the thick cloth kind, ummm.... little thingee of powder, zip lock bags to store wet/dirty diapers in case you are not near a garbage or to take home and wash.

8:32 PM  

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