A Dollop of Sour Cream

I'm not much into spicy food. I have recently discovered that if a meal is just a tad too spicy for me, I can put sour cream on top and make it not just palatable, but wonderful. This blog is devoted to doing the same for life.



So far so good.

So I went to http://ibw.dietitian.com/ibw.exe and discovered. 1. I do have a large frame for my height. 2. I am STILL overweight (not being able to get my jeans closed this morning kind of did that to me already.) But it had a list of exercises at the bottom that got me interested:

Things they recommend doing daily:
Swimming laps for 20 minutes
Walking 1.5 miles in 35 minutes
Fast social dancing for 30 minutes
Climbing stairs for 15 minutes (I know for a fact I can't do this for more than 5 minutes at a time. I tried)

So I decided, for a start, to try 3 times a week. I got 32-ish minutes of fast walking in today. (No idea how far. I'm not quite sure how to determine that.)

When it starts up again, I hope to go to the Messianic dancing classes at a nearby congregation.

I'd like to do swimming on Saturdays, but I'll have to find a place to do that...


Blogger MommyLydia said...

One of Seattle's nicknames is "the city of the Seven Hills"

I'm not in Seattle proper, but it's quite hilly all over the area.

I will note: walking, social dancing, and swimming don't pollute either.

If you mean it as an alternative to moving around in general as well? Not going to happen. Already, I generally take the bus to work (an hour commute ugh) because parking costs are so high. But our area -- the open air is not something to be wanted to be out in. Often it is full of wet stuff!!

I loved cycling as a kid in Houston, and my husband grew up in the bicycle capital of the US (Missoula) so if we ever live in somewhere flatter I expect we will get bicycles.

6:59 AM  

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