A Dollop of Sour Cream

I'm not much into spicy food. I have recently discovered that if a meal is just a tad too spicy for me, I can put sour cream on top and make it not just palatable, but wonderful. This blog is devoted to doing the same for life.



What is God trying to tell me here?

Spiritbee has been having problems finding a house to buy lately. To the point where she's decided that God didn't want her buying a house right now.

We sold our condo fine. And found a new apartment -- but now we are having trouble getting people to be reliable at helping us out with the things we can't do on our own.

We had a start date for getting into the apartment AND we rented a UHaul based on a friend saying they could come this one day to help out with moving the big stuff. Then he got called into work that day and couldn't come. And tonight, we had someone ELSE helping us -- and they haven't contacted it and it's getting late.

So. What exactly is God trying to tell me by all this now, is what is going through my head. What am I supposed to learn from this situation?

No. I don't have an answer (yet) either.


Blogger Sprittibee said...

How are things going? Thanks for the mention in your post. We're trying to make the best of our little apartment for now... :)

8:28 AM  

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